CTE 3 Course Map

This short course guides you through advanced practices in teaching and learning from using transparent assignment design, incorporating multimodal assignments, and integrating performance-based assessments, to engaging in a teaching observation cycle. If you'd like to earn a digital badge for completing this course, you have the option to complete a classroom observation cycle with a STLI or a trusted colleague for confidential, non-evaluative feedback.

If you're a William & Mary affiliate, you can take the free version of this course, which includes university-specific resources, by emailing Academy@wm.edu

By the end of this course, learners will: 

  • Identify the advantages of transparent instruction, its principles, and application. (Module 1)
  • Explore advanced instructional strategies for student-centric learning experiences. (Module 2)
  • Examine practical models for leveraging multimodal teaching and learning. (Module 3)
  • Recognize performance assessment criteria and reflect on potential applications in your course. (Module 4)
  • Complete a teaching observation cycle with a trusted colleague. (Module 5)
Price: $89.00